30, Oct 2021 - Spain

Party of the Year Mallorca 2021

The dream island of Mallorca: sun, sand and pleasure come to mind.

So, it’s no wonder the Balearic Islands were selected as a unique Castleevents party location for exclusive guests – and, as is only fitting, featuring a 5 star luxury property with every amenity imaginable.

A perfect opportunity to get dressed up, leave the everyday behind and celebrate life, love and the simple pleasure of experiencing sizzling lasciviousness and adventurous escapades with other hedonists. Of course, the whole thing takes place in an exclusive, luxurious setting in which dreams come true and long-cherished desires are effortlessly fulfilled. All this from behind a beguiling Venetian mask, offering both discretion and arousing certain curiosity: because finding out who is behind the masks fuels the fire of the evening and, when combined with the excitement of the ceremony and extraordinary live shows, guarantees a thrilling party to be remembered by every guest for years to come. Together we will celebrate desire, lust and opulence – for one night only, we will turn Mallorca into our crucible of explosive ambiance, passion and elegance. The life of the party is us, and the party is our life – for this night. Together, let’s make the event the unforgettable highlight of the year. Even Frédéric Chopin’s lover, George Sand, is quoted as saying in the 19th century: "Nature, the trees, the sky, the sea and the monuments surpass all my dreams: this is the promised land!" All that remains is to say: See you in Mallorca! 

  • Five Star Location
  • Rooms & Suites
  • Delicious Dinner
  • Airport Service
  • Ceremony
  • Wellness Area
  • Premium Offers
  • Live Music & Show
  • Mask & Capes available
  • Guarded Wardrobe
  • Dresscode
  • Cape Required
  • Venetian Masks
  • Dresscode Black Tie
  • For Couples only


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