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More flirts, more lust, more love

In the book, the founder and organizer of Castleevents gives some insights into the most exclusive Eyes Wide Shut Parties in the world.


Come with us on a journey of discovery, stay at the peak and be inspired by over 30 experts!

Flirt, lust and love: everyone has experience in these exciting and sometimes complicated areas. In any case, we, the two male authors in their early forties, have had a lot of painful downs - unsightly baskets, miserable intercourse and scratchy partnerships - as well as wonderful highlights - exciting flirts, mind-expanding sex and harmonious relationships.


We are at a point in our lives where we can often see two questions at the back of the horizon:


"Was that all?" And "What else is there?"

This book is both the starting point and the result of this search. Because over 30 experts answer competently, multi-layered and sometimes provocatively to questions that have arisen from our head, heart or genitals.

They are people who know about flirting, lust and love at the same time and who practice tolerance and openness. There are well-known book authors, educators, couple therapists, event organizers, porn actors, playboys, podcasters, sex article manufacturers, club owners, bloggers, entrepreneurs, journalists, swingers, women and men.

Price: 14,99 € Buy
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