Guest and members Feedbacks



If by definition eroticism is an artistic-spiritual affection then these Castleevent parties may be understood that way. The senses are flattered here on a very high level, especially insofar as class is more important than mass. The selection was worth it, the effort is to be thanked and the dear guests are to be greeted! What's left are unforgotten memories that are already calling for the next party participation.


We have participated at Castleevents for the second time now and will never forget the party! Now the memories remain ... We really liked both parties and are extremely impressed. The atmosphere was ideal, a lot of interesting people with level, good music and the location was absolutely awesome and stylish. For us the organization was perfect! A huge compliment to your work and reliability! Thank you for the moments! Imagination is the actual creative in a person, the abundance that makes up the beauty of life. See you soon


Castleevents has enabled us to do something that is denied many others their entire lives. When our limousine stopped in the courtyard two pages stormed to the car doors. Then they accompanied us to the entrance. The suitcases were now in their business. The castle villa kept inside what it stated to be from the outside. A building from the thirteenth century that was held from top to bottom in this era. I felt awe and at the same time proud of being one of the selected guests who was allowed to be in this location, attending an event that would hardly be surpassed in exclusivity and luxury. My erotic senses could not be higher. The night lasted until dawn. This night will be one of those things I will remember until the end of my life.


A really well organized party in a perfect location, sparkling atmosphere with a great audience on a high level ... keep it up! We want more ... ;-)


Dear Friends of Eyes Wide Shut Party: First of all we would like to express how much we appreciated to meet so many wonderful people at such a great location! We enjoyed the party so much! We think that almost everything went right: the hotel was truly amazing. It was our very first event of such nature and we were unsure if we would like it. We loved to have dinner at a big round table were we could start getting to know the people and felt more and more relaxed. I would like to emphasize that above all, what really made a big difference is the nice and selected people that attended the event. We met smart, polite, educated and beautiful couples. We made some great contacts and had exciting moments! We want to thank also the staff of Castleevents, they were friendly and organized all details in a great way. We liked the secrecy of it all.


First of all a big compliment to the whole Castleevents team for the party. Perfect organization, noble ambience and great food. All this was refined by the beautiful and elegant ladies and gentlemen. We believe that if you have a sense of special and stylish eroticism then you should have experienced such an event at least once in your life. It is always said that dreams are better than reality, but in that case it was certainly the other way round. Keep up the good work, we are looking forward to the next event.


The party was awesome, what the website promises is surpassed in reality: good people, beautiful location, crackling atmosphere - probably a globally unique party, it does not surprise me that guests also take long trips to attend.


As always it was a very successful and super organized event full of crackling eroticism. Great guests, good conversations and lots of fun have made the evening unforgettable. We are looking forward to the next event and will be back soon.


The party was awesome: good ambience, good people, nice location, erotic atmosphere - makes you want more! Just go on!

Pedro & Laila, SPAIN

Our impressions? .... simply stunning. We are still in a trance when we think back to this evening. Your party is a mixture of class, sex, charm and freedom ... all in a nice complicity and simplicity. Bravo Castleevents, really and honestly !!!

Dom & Devona, GERMANY  

We have participated in a Castleevent for the first time. The location, a castle was absolutely awesome. The guests noble, stylish, with level. We met great people, and we continue to get in touch with them. The erotic experiences, the beautiful ladies and gentlemen, the cloakroom and great masks, the atmosphere, etc. must be experienced. Mystic, erotic, passionate. A highlight for all who love something special! We are looking forward to the next event.


First of all a huge compliment to your complete organization in advance, to the perfect information during the event weekend and to the charming and personal care. The evening itself was with my partner and me also erotically outshined by the beautiful ceremony which has accompanied us to an unforgotten climax. The passion has swept us into a foreign and yet so intense world which has been accompanied by the vibrating basses of the DJ. The implementation of the film idea is absolutely successful. Keep it up, we like to follow your activities and come back next time.


Cecilie, MONACO

It was our first Castleevent we have participated in and we are thrilled! The ambience was great, a bit stiff at the beginning, but after midnight we were carried away by the erotic action, it was just great ... we will be back!


Fiona, ITALY

We were allowed to be part of your company for the first time. Part of a wonderfully aesthetic, erotic and respectful society that has captivated us for days afterwards! We are extremely fascinated by this luxurious and dreamlike atmosphere. The whole Castleevents team is just to praise and we will never forget our first party! With full anticipation for the next party.

Nikita, MOSCOW

Before my first visit to a Castleevents party, I did not know what to expect. I heard that it was in the style of "Eyes wide shut", but did not have a clear idea. The welcome at the castle, the reception, the food and above all the atmosphere were breathtaking. This unique, stylish ambience and the eroticism that was in the air were mesmerizing. The Venetian mask gives anonymity and uninhibitedness. Nothing happens that one doesn't want and opens doors into an erotic world. It was a wonderful evening with many new experiences and sweet moments. I want to indulge in this exclusive world again and again. An experience that I don't want to miss and anyone who enjoys living out his sexuality and I can warmly recommend.



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